Hope has two daughters – Lars Lilholt Band – Lars Lilholdt Cosmic cheek kisses released November 10, 2024

Hope has two daughters is a song based on an ancient myth by St. Augustine, who lived in 354-430. The two daughters of hope are called Anger and Courage. Anger at all injustice and Courage to do something about it.

Text: The Hope has two daughters

Hope has two daughters and they are wonderful – Everyone smiles wide when the girls walk by
Hope has two daughters and I hear everyone say – Without them, life would be a travesty
The daughters are called Anger and Courage – Hope must be preserved by its own blood
The anger against all injustice The hope she has the courage to do something about
And if you should lose – Hope out of sight – Hit the table and her children will come
Anger she will rise up, her eyes they can shine – Courage, yes she will grasp herself strong as a bear

Letter from the front 8.11.2024.

A short movie from Kristian Bach
and Fætrene Mikkel (musician band).

“Now that Trump has been re-elected and Putin etc Making jokes with fascism, xenophobia and hegemony 😱 then surely this little satire can be spared another turn in the SoMe mill? 🙏😘” (Kristian Bach)

The next music event is posted here